Wednesday, September 3, 2008

ICT Innovation and Security blog

Dear Reader,

This my blog about ICT innovation and security, or is the security and innovation? Happily for me ICT innovation creates new security threats as well decreased security risks. So which one comes first and is more important? A hard question. Which I hope to answer with a series of articles. In these articles I will try to cover important aspects of new technology and how it benefits you or might have possible security concerns.

Focussing on Microsoft products, but also covering compliancy, managed services, outsourcing, servers, firewalls, switching, virtualization and applications. From A-Z from the end-user as consumer or employee to partner or client.

In these articles I will try to apply my knowledge and experience which I have gathered the last 10 years. In my position as CTO and CSO of Payvision a credit card processing company I often have to make choices regarding to security and innovation.

Credit card processing companies need to be PCI DSS compliant nowadays. A good thing which enforces security policies and best practices with companies which process MasterCard and Visa transactions. But having this compliancy obligation innovation can be postponed or not possible, because compliancy can be more important then innovation. Or not? See my next article.

I hope my articles can shed some light on today issues and technology. But feel free to request a topic which is on your mind.

Thanks for reading. write to you soon...

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